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Fork of Sol LeWitt practice


Last edited Feb 19, 2024
Created on Feb 19, 2024
  1. console.log(): used for output, we use console.log(output) We need to do const x=5 and then console.log(x). The output is 5

or we need to do let x=5 and then console.log(x).

If we do let x=5 and x=10 and then console.log(x), the output is 10. the most recent value is in the memory. need to use let to reassign a value

  1. Another way is taking var x=5; and then x=10. variables can be redecleared.

  2. When we create object we use const object={ num:5 x:2 }; console.log(object.num); console.log(object.x);

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