
First blog post


Last edited Feb 10, 2024
Created on Feb 10, 2024
Forked from HTML Starter

Markdown File Syntax

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain

text formatting syntax designed to be converted to HTML and other formats. It's widely used for creating formatted text across different devices. Here's a brief guide to the basic syntax of Markdown for creating a Markdown file (.md):

Headers Headers are created using the # symbol before your text. The number of # symbols indicates the level of the header.

markdown Copy code

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

Emphasis: You can emphasize text with bold or italic styles.

markdown Copy code This text will be italic This will also, be italic

This text will be bold This will also be bold

You can combine them Lists Unordered Lists Use asterisks *, plus +, or minus - symbols.

markdown Copy code

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
    • Item 2a
    • Item 2b Ordered Lists Use numbers followed by a period.

markdown Copy code

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
    1. Item 3a
    2. Item 3b Links To create a link, enclose the link text in brackets [], followed by the URL in parentheses ().

markdown Copy code OpenAI Images Similar to links, but start with an exclamation mark! Followed by the alt text in brackets and the path or URL to the image in parentheses.

Markdown Copy codeThis is an image Blockquotes Use > before your text to create a blockquote.

markdown Copy code

This is a blockquote. Code: You can use backticks ` to create inline code blocks. For larger blocks of code or to specify a language, use triple backticks with the language name.

markdown Copy code inline code

print("Hello, world!")
Copy code

### Horizontal Rules
Use three or more asterisks `***,` dashes `---,` or underscores `___` on a new line.

Create tables by using vertical bars | and dashes - to separate column headers from the rows. Alignment is controlled by colons :.

Copy code
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| -------- |:--------:| --------:|
| Cell 1   | Cell 2   | Cell 3   |
| Cell 4   | Cell 5   | Cell 6   |
Task Lists
To create task lists, use brackets with a space or an x inside to denote completion.

Copy code
- [x] Completed task
- [ ] Incomplete task
This guide covers the essentials of Markdown syntax, enabling you to create well-formatted documents for a variety of applications.
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