The X-axis represents the year, and the y-axis represents the prevalence of depression from 20 to 24 years old for each country. I used a different color to describe each country, such as Albania is black color and American Samoa is gold color.
This question one can get from the data viz.
This dataset contain :
This file is prevalence_of_depression_by_age , and it's contain the following :
1)entity is categorical attributes 2)code is categorical attributes 3)year is categorical attributes 4)20_24_years_old is quantitative 5)10_14_years_old is quantitative 6)all_ages is quantitative 7)70_years_old is quantitative 8)30_34_years_old is quantitative 9)15_19_years_old is quantitative 10)25_29_years_old is quantitative 11)50_69_years_old is quantitative 12)age_standardized is quantitative 13)15_49_years_old is quantitative
I'm intrestin in categorical attributes. I remove the rows with missing values
The orginal dataset has some issues in thus type of visulazation , so I had to take subset of the orignal .Modification version of the dataset: This is a small subset of the dataset on gist