The data I propose is to visualize the suicide prevention dataset that pulled from four other datasets linked by year and country, and was built to find signals correlated to increased suicide rates among different cohorts globally, across the socio-economic spectrum.
United Nations Development Program. (2018). Human development index (HDI). Retrieved from source
World Bank (2018). World development indicators: GDP (current US$) by country:1985 to 2016. Retrieved from source(2017). Suicide in the Twenty-First Century [dataset]. Retrieved from source
World Health Organization. (2018). Suicide prevention. Retrieved from source
The Suicide Rates Overview 1985 to 2016 dataset from Kaggle, that was in turn taken from the World Health Organization databank. It contains 2.71 MB valid entries with the following attributes
country, year, sex, age group, count of suicides, population, suicide rate, country-year composite key, HDI for year, gdpforyear, gdppercapita, generation (based on age grouping average). Dataset of Kaggle
I removed some of the cloumns due to some missing data such as HDI for year,generation, and country-year composite key and my data set can be found on Gist. Currently the dataset contains the following fetures: country,year,sex,age,suicides_no,population,suicides_pop,gdp_for_year,gdp_per_capita Mallak's dataset on gist
Mallak's dataset on gist [readme]
Suicide rates among the countries differ widely. Russian seems the highest among other countries, and we can see that Russia alone has 22338 suicides number. Unfortunately, we can't tell which gender female vs.male were suicides in this visualization and which year in specific. For example, it would be helpful to capture that male gender numbers who are suicides in Russia were 22338 in 1994. This would help researchers to find out other factors that affected males in particular in 1994.
1)Color change to be green in styles.css I learn from this lesson Using Color in Visualizationand Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts this rule : Non-data components of tables and graphs should be displayed just visibly enough to perform their role, but no more so, for excessive salience could cause them to distract attention from the data. I keep the color as it is, but I will work around it to make the color more understandable in the next version.
2)In function (forEach). I modify it by remove (* 1000) becase this is suicides number not poplution.