
WOW Avatar History Under: Amount Players Connected per Hour


Last edited Oct 23, 2019
Created on Sep 18, 2019

This visualization shows WOW Avatar History Dataset. To answer the question of How many Players are connected every single hour?, in order to find possible pattern in the playing time. However, to anwser this question it was required to perfom some data manipulation: such as Converting DAte and Time FOrmat in to Only Hours (Numerical), since the data is depicted per hourse over 12 hours. Finally, the data was that by the Player Id and Time, to obtain the Total Numbers of Players that were connected at which particular hour.

For the future revisions of this grapy, I would love to visualize more data into the graph, however Github Gist limited the amount of rows of my .CSV file. IF anybody can collaborate with the issues, please connect with me!

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

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