A program that loads and parses some CSV data from the Fatal Police Shootings Database compiled by the Washington Post
The intent is to map each event to it's location within the U.S. with a semitransparent circle to show darker regions as the areas with higher event density. This helps to answer the question "are there more fatal police shootings in certain parts of the country?" There are clearly areas with more events, though at a glance they appear to be in population centers.
I realized that my project timeline for this week involves cleaning up the charts, but next week I have adding additional menu functionality to the charts. That seemed backwards, so I focused on building a menu to select a variable and the functionality to dynamically regroup and count the data based on the selected value. For now the data is in a bar chart, but I'd like to try to put it into a pie chart.
I borrowed heavily from the Polished Scatter Plot with Menus posted by the professor.
To do: