

Last edited May 13, 2020
Created on May 13, 2020
Forked from 汇总

This project use D3.js and React to display an interactive four-panel view for visualization. The Data used is the ILINet Flu Surveillance Dataset from ILINet Flu Surveillance Report. The original data is downloaded from the webpage: CDC FluView Interactive.

Four Panel View The visualization is composed of 4 panels.

  • The first line plot displays annual average patient visits percentage or other values from the dataset on weekly bases. It demonstrates the pattern for different years.
  • The second plot is a choropleths map shows the geographical distribution over the US including Alaska and Hawaii.
  • The third plot is a bar chart shows the top 10 or N states. It gives the user more quantitative information and a list of top states by name.
  • The fourth plot to show the yearly trending pattern of these states using a colorful line chart, using the same color scheme used by bar chart for different states.
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