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Diabetes Dataset in Vega-lite


Last edited Sep 24, 2020
Created on Sep 24, 2020

Diabetes Dataset: A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

Diabetes Dataset summary is a summary by AgeGroup and Gender_Diabetes (diabetes status) of Early stage diabetes risk prediction dataset from UCI

I had realized in my original viz that I needed to create a Gender_Diabetes column to group by gender and diabetes status for the color channel. Haven't been able to figure out how to get javascript to work in getData.js so I had to re-generate the data set. Next step will be to upload additional datasets filtered on the risk factors and add a drop-down that will determine the url for getData.js based on the user's choice. (Not sure if I should add luminance as another channel for the presence or abscence of the chosen risk factor or if I should just double the number of categories for the color channel and maybe control the colors).

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