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World Energy Consumption Data


Last edited Jan 24, 2023
Created on Jan 24, 2023

This dataset displays World Energy Consumption which is a collection of key metrics maintained by Our World in Data. It is available at - https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/pralabhpoudel/world-energy-consumption. This dataset consists of columns - iso_code of type Categorical : ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 three-letter country codes, country of type Categorical : Geographic location year of type Quantitative : Year of observation, coal_prod_change_pct of type Quantitative : Annual percentage change in coal production, coal_prod_change_twh of type Quantitative : Annual change in coal production measured in terawatt-hours, gas_prod_change_pct of type Quantitative : Annual percentage change in gas production and so on.

Even though the dataset is more than 5MB, dataset size could be reduced by filtering for certain years.

This dataset can be used for visualization of Growth of Renewables Over the Decades and countries contributing the most to the growth.

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