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Fork of Project Momentum


Last edited Mar 28, 2023
Created on Mar 28, 2023
Forked from Project Momentum

Plotted anomaly temperature radially and displayed the months radially.

Alignment of the temperature and the months looks off and they are not centerred properly. Will be fixing this and making rest of the changes in the next update.

Took subset of data for the year 1895 and 1896 from - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kratikashetty/45ef4d800b82dc4d9d486991714701cd/raw/54edf0a1b1d5270c534f4e4a108dab92adff397b/1895-2022%2520Massachusetts%2520Test.csv

Referred following code from following - https://vizhub.com/Echo226/40f6502388de4c4d8e985fffbff1d23e?edit=files https://vizhub.com/curran/0eecf121b8724637b33d9fb35fe3622d?edit=files&file=index.js

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