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Monthly Average Temperature Anomalies - Update 4


Last edited Apr 28, 2023
Created on Apr 13, 2023

Tried to display the line across the plot from red to blue colors based on Anomaly Temperature in this iteration. But I was facing issues with this. I will be fixing this in the next update. And I will also try to plot the Anomalies across massachusetts state. I will also try to include animations in this current visualisation.

Took subset of data for the year 1895 and 1896 from - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kratikashetty/45ef4d800b82dc4d9d486991714701cd/raw/1d63cc36842926ceec927f09e3e8a3b6a3f5c5bd/1895-2022%2520Massachusetts%2520Test.csv

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