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Scatter Plot - Credit Card Utilization Patterns with Brushing

Raul Gamez

Last edited Oct 19, 2021
Created on Oct 19, 2021

A scatter plot using D3 displaying credit card usage data from people on the Bank Customers Dataset.

Interaction was added so the users can choose which columns to be presented and the current status is encoded on the color of the circles. The options are the same for both axis and could be:

  • Customer Age
  • Credit Limit
  • Total Revolving Balance
  • Total Transactions Amount
  • Total Transactions Count
  • Avg. Utilization Ratio

Additionally, a hovering effect was added to the legend to highlight the points that belong to each category and a brushing effect is presented when the user selects a region on the map to highlight only the points that are contained in it.

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