Loading dataset that has information about the top 10,000 most streamed songs on Spotify.
(Dataset from: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rakkesharv/spotify-top-10000-streamed-songs)
Position: ranking out of the most streamed songs (Ordinal)
Artist Name: name of the artist (Categorical)
Song Name: name of the song (Categorical)
Days: number of days since the song was released (Quantitative)
Top 10 (xTimes): number of times that the song has been in the top 10 (Quantitative)
Peak Position: peak position attained in terms of streaming ranking (Ordinal)
Peak Position (xTimes): number of times that the song obtained its peak position (Quantitative)
Peak Streams: total number of streams obtained by song during its peak position (Quantitative)
Total Streams: total number of streams (Quantitative)