Loading Disney+ dataset that has information about all TV Shows/Movies currently offered on the platform.
(Dataset from: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/shivamb/disney-movies-and-tv-shows)
show_id: unique id that is connected to each tv show/movie (Ordinal)
type: indicates wether media is a movie or tv show (Categorical)
title: name of the movie/show (Categorical)
director: director(s) of the given movie/show (Categorical)
cast: main cast of the movie/show (Categorical)
country: country where media was produced (Categorical)
date_added: date that media was added to Disney+ (Quantitative)
release_year: orginal release year of the movie/show (Quantitative)
rating: rating of the movie/show (PG, PG-13, etc.) (Categorical)
duration: total duration of movie/show (either min or seasons) (Quantitative)