
[withDropDown]World Economic Freedom Index


Last edited Oct 06, 2019
Created on Oct 06, 2019

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api. The viz shows the correlation between two important evaluation metrics 'Tax Burden' and 'Government Integrity'.

  • We cannot seen a clear correlation between these two attributes. Tax burden is not significantly correlated with government integrity.
  • However, most of the countries in the world have high tax burden as well as low government integrity, with a intenser field appearing on the right lower corner of the picture.
  • Most European countries, the red circles on the picture, have a low tax burden and high government integrity, while most sub-saharah African countries, the green circles, have a high tax burden and low government integrity.
  • An interesting outlier is located at the left lower corner, which is North Korea. The country has no tax burden but relatively low government integrity.

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