
Interactive Line, TDF time gaps


Last edited May 12, 2024
Created on May 07, 2024

This file is a continuation of trying to see which countries (and which riders) are most dominant in the tour de France. This is a scatterplot of the time gaps in seconds from first to different positions over time. You can select which gap you'd like to see using the drop down. Try mousing over points to get more informations.

Things I still am working on:

  1. The lines don't disappear when they should, which is annoying.
  2. The domain of the data in both axis is very large, so it hard to fit on a single plot. I'm hoping to make the axis dynamically resiable.
  3. I think seconds aren't the most inuitive measure of time, so there can be mroe data processing.
  4. Axis labels are awesome.
  5. The big goal is to link this to a CHOROPLETH with a map to be able to group dots.

Here is my progress on the map: map link

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