Episode 2: Pseudo Visualizations

While doing this, I was reminded of the question you visited (in last year’s course) on how the size of a circle should be determined from the underlying data.


Hey @curran , not directly related to this class, but somehow related to the course: Check it out this site http://viruspatterns.com/ I’m not sure how he does the models, and interaction. Is it SVG? Pure JS?

Pretty good content and site.

See you Saturday (may be not alive… let’s see)

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That’s very nice! I see by inspecting the DOM that he is using Canvas for the graphics.

Also in the scripts you can see that page loads ThreeJS, which is what seems to be used for the graphics and interaction.


Pseudo joyplot imported from Figma!


This is so nice! @avcwisesa did you draw the trees by yourself?

My faux Stream Graph:

reference: https://datavizcatalogue.com/methods/stream_graph.html


I did not :sweat_smile: :rofl: I pasted copied a picture from the web to figma, then traced the path.

:rofl: That is a smart move!

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Just a very side question (sorry for that) How did @curran make a column selection harnessing the Vim mode in the VizHub editor?

You can enter that selection mode with CTRL+v, same as in real Vim.

More info here: http://vimcasts.org/episodes/selecting-columns-with-visual-block-mode/


My Homework
Pictorial Stacked Chart

Source: https://datavizproject.com/data-type/pictorial-stacked-chart/

A pseudo cluster analysis chart:

for a reason my visuals are not previewed

Sorry, sometimes the image generation service goes down. It’s back up now and your previews are showing. Very nice work!

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My Pseudo Visualization area chart was made with Figma:

Very nice! Thank you for sharing!

Here is my sankey chart created in figma. Thanks Curran, for the great course!

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This is a hanging bar chart, using Figma and svg.

Very nice! Thank you for sharing this. It’s an interesting idea!

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