This visualization was constructed using the vega-lite-api.
The idea behind this visualization was to show the percentage of the population of various countries in America that suffer from some mental illness over the years.
Questions I wanted to answer with this visualization
- How has the percentage of mental diseases in some American countries changed over time?
- According to the graph, the total percentage of the population affected with a mental illness has remained relatively in the same level, however it is observed that both in Brazil and in Colombia this percentage has decreased in recent years.
- Has there been a decrease in people with mental illnesses, or rather an increase?
- Analyzing the graph, the percentage of the population with mental illneses has remained at the same level, however it is important to see that in some countries such as Brazil and Colombia the level has decreased.
I really liked being able to use Vega-Lite because it is a very useful and easy to use tool, and at the same time it allowed me to implement my second sketch in a very similar way.
The data used in this visualization can be found on Gist here:
Mental Healths Disorders Dataset