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Donald Bagwell

Last edited Jul 01, 2024
Created on Jul 01, 2024

Home > matlab code, Uncategorized, youtube demo code > Plotting Frequency Spectrum using Matlab Plotting Frequency Spectrum using Matlab February 20, 2014dadorranLeave a commentGo to comments This post shows a variety of ways of how to plot the magnitude frequency content of a discrete signal using matlab. Contents • Load Example Data • Quick view of double-sided (two-sided) magnitude spectrum • Double-sided magnitude spectrum with frequency axis (in bins) • Single-sided magnitude spectrum with frequency axis in bins • Single-sided magnitude spectrum with frequency axis in Hertz • Single-sided magnitude spectrum with frequency axis normalised • Single-sided magnitude spectrum – frequency in rads per sample • Double-sided magnitude spectrum showing negative frequencies • Single-sided magnitiude spectrum in decibels and Hertz • Single-sided power spectrum in decibels and Hertz • Single-sided power spectrum in dB and frequency on a log scale

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