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halo Lidar data single Profile

Donald Bagwell

Last edited Apr 19, 2024
Created on Apr 19, 2024
Forked from hmp155Adataset

Location: Memphis, Pavilion rooftop - McKellar Park

Date (UTC): 09-Jul-2013 23:27:37

Original Data Source: Wind_Profile_57_20130710_002722.csv

Instrument or model designator: Halo Photonics StreamLine, 57

Instrument software or model version: StreamLine v10

Profile or Instrument Longitude: -89.980751783

Profile or Instrument Latitude: 35.011683521

Profile or Instrument Elevation (MSL,m): 110.305

Data Processing Notes:

(1) Interpolation: None

(2) Smoothing: Spline smoother applied to CRG LOS estimates (dof=20)

(3) Extrapolation: None

(4) Other processing or filtering notes: DBS scan. The lidar is mounted on a rooftop of a pavilion. Rooftop is at 109.2 m MSL. Ground near pavilion is at 105.5 m MSL. Run with CRG QC filters ON. Source file used DST. UTC is used in this file.

Project Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

This file was created on 06-Jun-2014 01:14:40 Pacific Time

File created by Matt Pruis, NWRA, matt@nwra.com

File created with the script D:\projects\nasa\DataAnalysis\20140602 Wind Profiles for LL\Data For LL\WriteWindProfile_v20140605

Data File Format (1st line): number of data points

Data File Format (remainder of file): Height above sensor (m), Wind Direction, Wind Speed(m/s)

584 => typically the number of rows in a file.


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