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02Data for Corona Virus Daily data Covid-19

Abdul Salam Almadani

Last edited Sep 23, 2020
Created on Sep 09, 2020
Forked from Hello HTML world

This dataset about "Coronoavirus (COVID-19) data - updated daily" until sep 2020. Originally published at Data.world: Coronavirus daily data

This dataset from 31/12/2019 shows many attributes about Covid-19 cases for many countries in the world with daily updates until Sep 2020. Each row of the table represent a Covid-19 state in a specific country.

The attribute:
data: the date for this Covid-19 cases
location: the country
new_cases: number of new peopel who efficted with COVID-19
new_deaths: number of peopel who died by COVID-19
total_cases: totlal number of cases since 1/1/2020
total_deaths: totlal number of death since 1/1/2020
weekly_cases: number of new peopel who efficted with COVID-19 during a week
weekly_deaths: number of peopel who died by COVID-19 during a week
biweekly_cases: number of new peopel who efficted with COVID-19 during a week
biweekly_deaths: number of peopel who died by COVID-19 during a week

Types of the attributes

  • date
  • location is the name of the country (categorical)
  • number of cases and death is quantitative

Questions and tasks related to the dataset.

  • who many cases in each country
  • who much spread Covid-19 in each country.
  • what is the highest number of cases
  • what is the highest number of death during a month

source: Data World

  • note: this dataset is updated dalily in the orginal source but in this file the last month was septemper 2020. if you need latest update please visity Coronavirus Source Data
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