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06_ menu with Largest Cities population in US 2020

Visualizing the Data for Largest Cities population in US 2020 using D3 utilities, and uses React to render the data as a radial burst!

This data showing the number of top ten cities in the USA that have the largest pupulation in 2020

Some questions

  • What are the top ten Largest cities in US by population in 2020

Types of the attributes that are most interesting in my view

  • city name is categorical
  • population is quantitative

the goal in this visulatization is to give better understanding and show the relationship between publuation and top ten largest cities in US.

I spent time trying to understand why the visualization doesn't show top 10 depend on rank when I use state (usps) but I found that the figure does take only one value for each state

Abdulsalam Almadani gist.github

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