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02_Data for Largest Cities population in US 2020

Abdul Salam Almadani

Last edited Sep 23, 2020
Created on Sep 09, 2020
Forked from Hello HTML world

This dataset about the Largest Cities population in US 2020 Originally published at World Population Review

the attribute

  • 1- Rank
  • 2- City
  • 3- State
  • 4- usps : the Abbreviation for state
  • 5- pop2020 : the population in 2020
  • 6- pop2010 : the population in 2010
  • 7- change : the percentage between 2020 and 2010
  • 8- density: the density in each city (Km sqe)
  • 9- aland : the area for each city (Km sqe)

Types of the attributes that are most intersting in my view

  • Change and density are quantitative

Some questions

  • What are the top ten Largest cities in US by population in 2020
  • Which state has most largest cities
  • Which are the highest population increase
  • How many Large Cities Population in each state

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