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Smiley Face Part IV (React Components & ES6)

Ilgar Akalın

Last edited Sep 16, 2021
Created on Sep 16, 2021

Part IV

  1. React Components
  2. React Props
  3. JSX transpilation
  4. ES6 (ECMAScript version 6) Background: Wiki.

ECMAScript is another name for javascript.

  1. ES5 Functions vs. ES6 Arrow Functions
  2. Variables: ES5 var vs. ES6 let and const.
  • ES5 javascript syntax: (oldschool 2009-2015)
var square = function(x) { return x * x }
  • ES6 2015 new features:
    • ES6 modules
import * as moduleName from "..."; export const Foo
- arrow function with ( ( ) => { }) syntax
const square = x => x * x;
const square = x => (x * x);
  1. ES6 Destructuring
let { a, b } = object;
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