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16000+ Movies 1910-2024 (Metacritic) Dataset

Ari Schechter

Last edited Sep 11, 2024
Created on Sep 04, 2024

The Movies Dataset, loaded and parsed as CSV.

Dataset Description This dataset contains detailed information on over 16,000 movies released between 1910 and 2024, along with their corresponding Metacritic ratings. The dataset is an extensive collection for film enthusiasts, researchers, and data scientists interested in exploring trends in cinema over more than a century.

I cut this dataset down to 10,000 entries instead of 16,000 to reduce size

Key Features: Title: The name of the movie. Release Date: The official release date of the movie. Description: A brief synopsis or critical overview of the film. Rating: The average Metacritic score, providing an indication of the movie’s critical reception. Number of Persons Voted: The number of individuals who rated the movie on Metacritic. Directed by: The director(s) of the movie. Written by: The screenwriter(s) responsible for the movie’s script. Duration: The runtime of the movie. Genres: The genre(s) the movie falls under, such as Drama, Comedy, or Action.


  1. I want to understand the overall trend of movie ratings throughout the years
  2. I want to be able to visualize the data organized by rating
  3. I want to analyze the association between the film's duration and its rating
  4. I want to identify the most highly rated genres and directors based on the rating
  5. I want to evaluate the correlation between the number of voters and the rating
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