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A9 Life Expectancy of the World in 2015

Allen Jake Polintan

Last edited Apr 01, 2024
Created on Mar 31, 2024
Forked from HTML Starter

Data of Life Expectancy is from: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kumarajarshi/life-expectancy-who Json file is from:https://github.com/johan/world.geo.json/blob/master/countries.geo.json Note: Some of the countries data were missing so I had to fill in data by looking up the life expectancy of countries on Google which had information from the World Bank

Used Scott Murray's Data Viz chapter 14 for reference once again

MIT Licensed


Allen Jake Polintan
commented on
Apr 01, 2024

Tooltips are basic hovers. It may take a couple of seconds to load and you have to click on the visualization first