The Music Dataset, loaded and parsed as CSV.
This is music data from 1923-2023 from Spotify. It includes the title of the song (Track), the name of the performing artist or band (Artist),the year the track was released (Year), the length of the track in milliseconds (Duration),the musical time signature (Time_Signature), how suitable the track is for dancing (Danceability),how intense and active the track is (Energy), the key of the track(Key),the loudness of the track in decibels (Loudness), if the track is major or minor (Mode),how much spoken words are in the track (Speechiness), how acoustic a track is(Acousticness),how likely the track is instrumental (Instrumentalness), how present a live audience is in the track (Liveness),how musically positive the track is (Valence), the speed of the track in beats per minute (Tempo),how popular the track is (Popularity), the genre of the track(Genre).
to indicate the original data source5 Tasks: