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How often are exoplanets confirmed in the existing literature disconfirmed by measurements from Kepler?


Last edited Sep 19, 2020
Created on Sep 11, 2020

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

The data shown here comes from NASA Kepler Exoplanet Search Results.

The X-axis isn't meant to be read, it's just a way in order to plot all points on the scale without them overlapping with each other, what matters is only the Y-axis.

This chart meant to show the answer to "How often are exoplanets confirmed in the existing literature disconfirmed by measurements from Kepler?", if we look at the second line("with y axis says CONFIRMED"), that's all exoplanets confirmed in the existing literature, and the big blue dot that poped are those disconfirmed by measurements from Kepler. The anwser is not very often since the dataset is way too large.

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