Source: Unesco Dataset.
I downloaded a dataset with the list of Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites of around the world. The first 'view' is a scatterplot/map because the x-axis is longitude and the y-axis latitude (hoping to learn how to make a map soon).
- The first insight from this view is that Europe (yellow dots) concentrates a lot of heritage sites.
- When you go to the second view (date on x-axis and continent on y-axis) you can see that Oceania and Africa are the Continents with fewer heritage sites, although there is a lot of overplotting so you can't really see how Europe is the number 1 continent (I added a little of jitter to avoid that, but it was not enought).
Things I didn't have the time to learn, but will like to add in the future:
- Add tooltips
- Limit the options for X & Y
- Add axis titles