
Temperature in Different Cities


Last edited May 21, 2020
Created on May 21, 2020

Small multiples area chart for one week in 2015.

This is an example of how not to visualize data:

  • Color is meaningless
  • Area under the curve is meaningless
  • It's difficult to compare across area charts

Draws from

Also related - Vega-Lite GitHub Issue: Specify Label Width for Facet

Data: a week of rich sensor data collected by the "Sense Your City" project.


  • Hourly readings for one week
  • Different cities: San Francisco, Bangalore, Boston, Geneva, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Singapore
  • Various mertics from sensors: temperature, light, air quality, sound, humidity, dust

The data was collected from the (now defunct) Data Canvas - Sense Your City Project. The data was filtered using the data processing script found in GitHub: curran/data/senseYourCity.

MIT Licensed