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Bike Rental DataViz Humidity vs Temperature


Last edited Sep 18, 2020
Created on Sep 18, 2020

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api. The data shown here comes from the Bike retal data set

Guiding question: Which factor between humidity and temperature matters the most to the bike rental? Will people ride on a burning hot day or a moist day?

This Viz is a realization of my third sketch on the Bike rental data set. This viz shows the relationship between humidity and temperature of a particular day. The total count of a specific day is correlated to the size of the circle. Different weather types are being differentiated using different colors. Both temperature and humidty are scaled between 0 to 1.

To answer my guiding question. It appears to be people are more tolerated to temperature then humidity. Days approaching the temperature of 0.9 still overserved many rides, but days with large humidity, we see a significant decrease in ride numbers. It could also because summer times with higher temperatures are more suitable for outdoor bike riding and rainy days are just not suitable for outdoor bike riding. Interestingly, in lower temperatures, people quit bike riding. But on a really dry day, people are still ok to do bike ridings.

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