Latest version can be seen here
The artist has pivoted the purpose from 'invitation' to 'interactive tool'. The idea is that this tool could be used while working with other artists, allowing them to play around with different roles, materials, subjects. In this matter it can be used for brainstorming and discussion. The goal is to come up with new rituals.
The initial plan was for the artist to change some settings and then send people a link which shows them a choreography of moving elements with specific text content. Now, the content(which categories are active, what pattern should determine the suggestive text in the middle) and format(how many cards should be shown, what should be their orientation etc.) should be changeable at run time, allowing for a more interactive 'tool' experience.
Create an admin panel with the following settings
Remove all choreography and animation
Allow all text to be changed when clicking on it (in a separate text box)