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Fork of Fork of Dynamic Bar Graph - Average Salary Landscape for Data Professionals


This project delivers an interactive visualization of the data field job market by utilizing a comprehensive dataset with details on job titles, categories, salaries (in both local currencies and USD), employee residences, company locations, experience levels, employment types, work settings, and company sizes. Spanning several years and encompassing a broad spectrum of positions within the global data science and analytics industry, it employs D3.js to facilitate dynamic user interaction. Users can filter and explore specific data points such as salary variations, company sizes, job categories, and employment types, thereby gaining valuable insights into the evolving trends and patterns within the sector.

Dataset:Jobs In DataScience


Interactive Filters: Users can apply filters to explore data based on job categories, experience levels, company sizes, employment types, work settings, and geographical locations.

Dynamic Visualization: The visualization updates on user-selected filters, displaying relevant data points such as average salaries and employment distributions.

Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes. Tooltips and clickable elements provide additional information and insights, enhancing user engagement and understanding.

Analysis and Insights

Average Salary by Company Size: The bar chart indicates that larger companies (L) tend to offer higher average salaries compared to medium (M) and small (S) companies. This could reflect the financial capabilities of larger organizations and potentially their demand for more experienced or specialized professionals.

Average Salary by Job Category and Experience Level: The graph reveals that average salaries vary significantly across different job categories and experience levels. Generally, senior-level positions command higher salaries across all job categories. This trend underscores the value of experience in the data field.

Certain job categories, such as Data Science and Research, tend to offer higher average salaries, indicating a premium on specialized analytical skills.

Distribution of Employment Types: It shows a dominant preference for Full-time employment, comprising a significant majority of the employment types in the data field. This suggests that stable, full-time roles are the norm within this industry, with part-time, contract, and freelance positions making up a smaller portion of the market.

Salary Variations: By selecting different job categories and experience levels, users can observe how average salaries vary across the data field. This feature sheds light on the premium placed on certain skills and experience levels within the industry.

Geographical Trends: Users can explore geographical distributions of jobs and employee residences, identifying trends such as remote work prevalence and regional job market saturation.

Employment Types and Work Settings: The distribution of employment types (full-time, part-time, contract) and work settings (remote, in-person, hybrid) can be examined across various regions and job categories, highlighting flexibility and work culture trends within the data field.

The project is designed to address the outlined tasks and questions effectively.

  1. How Does the Average Salary Vary Across Different Job Categories and Experience Levels

    Our visualization incorporates filters for job categories and experience levels. By allowing users to select specific categories and experience levels, the visualization dynamically updates to display the average salary associated with the selected criteria.

    The dynamic update is likely achieved through the updateChart function, which filters the data based on user selections and recalculates the average salary for the remaining dataset. The visualization then redraws the chart, specifically showing average salaries by job titles within the chosen categories and experience levels. This approach enables users to explore salary variations across different job categories and experience levels in an interactive manner.

  2. Correlation Between Company Size and Salary Ranges

    We have implemented a filter for company size, allowing users to explore how salary ranges vary across small, medium, and large companies. This direct comparison can visually indicate if larger companies tend to offer higher salaries than smaller ones, thereby suggesting a correlation between company size and salary range.

  3. Geographical Patterns in Job Locations Versus Employee Residences

    The filters for "Employee Residence" enable users to investigate geographical patterns. This mechanism allows for the exploration of where jobs are located in relation to where employees live. By filtering the dataset for specific locations and comparing the distribution of job locations with employee residences, users can identify trends, such as whether certain regions have a higher concentration of remote jobs or if certain job categories are more prevalent in specific geographical areas.

  4. Distribution of Employment Types and Work Settings Across Regions and Job Categories

    This visualization includes filters for employment types (full-time, part-time, contract) and work settings (remote, in-person, hybrid). This setup enables users to examine how these aspects vary across different regions and job categories. Selecting specific employment types or work settings updates the visualization to reflect the distribution of these criteria within the chosen regions or job categories.

Interactive Visualization

"Our project goes beyond static charts; it invites users to dive into the data, fostering a deeper understanding through exploration and interaction. Each filter and selection provides new insights, revealing the multifaceted nature of the data job market. This level of engagement not only enhances comprehension but also makes the exploration process both enlightening and enjoyable."

Closing Remarks

"In conclusion, this visualization project serves as a powerful tool for anyone interested in the dynamics of the data job market. Whether you're a job seeker, an employer, or simply curious about data-related employment trends, our interactive visualization provides valuable insights into salary variations, employment types, and geographical distributions. Thank you for your attention, and I encourage you to explore the visualization for yourself to uncover the many insights it holds."

MIT Licensed