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Fork of Circles with D3


Last edited Aug 28, 2024
Created on Aug 28, 2024
Forked from Circles with D3

Creating rectangles with D3! To use code like this in various frameworks or vanilla HTML, see d3-rosetta

Full Playlist: Constructing Visualizations

Creating rectangles with D3

In this guide, we will walk through the process of creating rectangles using D3.js, touching on various concepts such as the D3 General Update Pattern, method chaining, and dynamic styling. By the end, you'll be able to create and manipulate SVG elements with ease.

What We'll Build

We will create an SVG element containing multiple rectangles, which can be customized dynamically. We'll explore the use of arrays, objects, and functions within D3 to manage and render these rectangles effectively.

Getting Started

To begin, ensure you have a basic project setup that includes the necessary files:

  • index.js: The main JavaScript file where our D3 code will reside.
  • package.json: Specifies D3 as a dependency.
  • README.md: A markdown file describing the visualization.

Initial Setup

Open your project in your preferred editor. We will start by importing the select function from D3, which is essential for selecting DOM elements.

import { select } from 'd3';

export const main(container) {
  // Your D3 code will go here

The main function is our entry point, expecting a container, which is a DOM element. We'll use this container to create our SVG element.

Creating and Sizing the SVG Element

To draw rectangles, we first need an SVG element. Here's how to create one:

const svg = select(container)
  .attr('width', container.clientWidth)
  .attr('height', container.clientHeight);
  • We use selectAll with data and join to ensure our SVG element is created or updated as needed.
  • The width and height attributes are set based on the container's dimensions.

Drawing rectangles with D3

With our SVG element in place, let's draw some rectangles. We need to define an array of objects, where each object contains the coordinates and properties of a circle.

const data = [
    x: 155,
    y: 379,
    width: 308,
    height: 143,
    fill: '#D4089D',
    x: 340,
    y: 227,
    width: 315,
    height: 568,
    fill: '#FF0AAE',
    x: 531,
    y: 59,
    width: 438,
    height: 179,
    fill: '#00FF88',

  .attr('cx', (d) => d.x)
  .attr('cy', (d) => d.y)
  .attr('width', (d) => d.width)
  .attr('height', (d) => d.height)
  .attr('fill', (d) => d.fill);
  • data is an array of objects, each representing a circle with x, y, width, height, and fill (color) properties.
  • selectAll('rect') selects all rectangle elements, and data(data) binds our data to these elements.
  • join('rectangle') creates a rectangle for each data item.
  • The attributes cx, cy, width, height, and fill are set based on the data properties.

Recap and Conclusion

We've covered the basics of creating and manipulating rectangles in D3:

  1. SVG Creation: We created an SVG element sized dynamically based on the container.
  2. Circle Drawing: We used D3's data binding to draw rectangles with specific coordinates, sizes, and colors.
  3. Styling: We explored dynamic styling options, including background colors and opacity.


Now it's your turn! Fork this example and customize it. Perhaps make it Halloween-themed or give it a festive Christmas look. Be creative and explore the possibilities!

Final Thoughts

This introduction sets the foundation for more complex visualizations with D3. The patterns and concepts covered here, such as the D3 General Update Pattern and method chaining, will recur in more advanced use cases. Stay tuned for future tutorials where we'll dive deeper into these topics and explore more powerful features of D3.

Thanks for following along, and I look forward to seeing what you create!

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