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Monthly Data Visualization

Mohit Y

Last edited Aug 02, 2020
Created on Aug 01, 2020

Monthly Data Visualization Bar Chart

Bar chart visualization for Dubai Metro for monthly data.

Folder Structure:

  • index.html - main html view file
  • index.js - main js file or entrypoint
  • styles.css - css file for styling
  • config.js - js module for storing configurations for example bar chart configs and validation level params(single source of truth for all app level configs).
  • helper.js - helper function module.
  • validation.js - validation logics can be added here.
  • bar.js - logics for bar graph
  • data.csv - file for storing csv data obtained from dubaipulse website.

How it works:

  • From the dropdown, select type of grouping needed to be visualized, for example top 10 stations will require you to select top stations options and entering a value of 10 in input box.

  • As you press up or down key in input box, the visualization will update.

  • Updating a value in input box and on blur the chart will update.


  • The number of stations must be greater than 0 and less than 20.
  • Entering value greater than 20 or less than 0 will result in error alert.
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