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Iterated Earthquake Bar Plot

Junying Li

Last edited Oct 03, 2021
Created on Oct 03, 2021

Data: https://gist.github.com/Junying-Li/72ef4641efd6b4abf371f5d9f4267a56#file-earthquakes-csv

A bar plot shows the deaths of earthquakes in different countries of 19 Century. Iterated from last week's visualization.

What's new?

  1. Summed deaths from the same region.
  2. Sorted regions by deaths.
  3. Added labels for both X and Y axis.
  4. Transformed X and Y axis to leave more space for labels.

X-axis: region that earthquake occured.

Y-axis: Total deaths caused by earthquake in 1900-1999.

According to this bar plot, we can find that over 700,000 people died in Peru due to earthquake in 19 century.

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