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Last edited Feb 14, 2023
Created on Feb 12, 2023
Forked from HTML Starter


  • Problem with using <src = 'script.js> is when you have multiple scripts. you would have to organize them in such a way that the dependencies, if any are satisfied(manually keep track of which script depends on another script). For example, if in {script.js,script1.js,script2.js} consider script.js where you want to refer to a global variable in script2.js, you want the order to be {script2.js,script.js,script1.js}. The algorithm which does this ordering is called "topological sorting".

  • ES6 Modules : In Vizhub platform, when you rename the js file to index.js, a bundle.js is created(only in vizhub) by means of "rollup" internally(within vizhub). A bundle is a file that combines many modules together.

  • D3 only uses named exports

  • can use a CDN to import d3

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