
Exploring survey data interactively - y-axis

Sergio Eijben

Last edited Nov 10, 2020
Created on Nov 10, 2020

Interactive bar chart example

In this visualization, the data that's rendered in the view changes because of user interaction


  • Find good example of update loop
  • Write a concept that uses interaction (changing scales?)
  • Set up basic chart
  • Set up interacion
  • Make x-axis interactive so remove and enter are also needed


A chart showing distribution or relation between to variables. The vriables can be chosen through a dropdown menu resulting in a rerendering of datapoints and axis.

  • Group students by subject interest on x axis.
  • Get data from different vars on y axis


  • Note that d3 has a new way of handling enter, update and exit explicitly as explained in this article.
  • The options in the form are generated from the data using a data join
  • The scales, the data and the selected opton are global. I found that to be nicer than to keep passing them everywhere
  • If you want to add a new option to this interactive graph, all you have to do is add a new computed variable in the prepareData module and everything else will happen automatic


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