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Fork of NYPD Complaints - Age of Officer


Last edited Oct 06, 2023
Created on Oct 06, 2023

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

The stacked bar chart above depicts the number of complaints based on officer age. The different colors indicate what type of complaint was made (refer to legend on right of chart).

This is based on a database of more than 12,000 complaints filed by civilians against NYC police officers. The data is available on ProPublica. The original data source is the New York City's Civilian Complaint Review Board. Each row of the data contains one complaint filed. Each complaint includes (but is not limited to) the following: officer first and last name, officer age, officer rank at time of incident, officer current rank, date of incident, and ethnicity of officer. The data contains similar information for each complainant, as well as a description of the offense and whether the complaint was substantiated.

Data is ported from NYPD Complaints dataset.

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