
Extinct Languages ScatterMap

Kiernan Nesslar

Last edited May 13, 2024
Created on May 02, 2024
Forked from Choropleth

What regions have the highest densities of extinct/endangered languages?

How is the number of speakers of a language related to its level of endangerment?

This is a connected map/scatterplot encoding. The colors represent the level of endangerment of a given language and are consistent across the two charts. There is a brush function that allows you to isolate a given section of the scatterplot. The Y-Axis of the scatterplot is the Number of Speakers of a given language. The dropdown menu is not functional yet

TBD Drop down on chart actually functions lol Cleaning up of Axes/Labels

Basic bar chart of total amount of Languages of different classes

Interactive scrollable map with tooltips for each language. |___> beginnings of this here:

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