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Sea Turtle Mortality Rates

Christine Lanser

Last edited Oct 23, 2020
Created on Oct 23, 2020

A StreamGraph visualization of the imaginary mortality rates of sea turtles for demonstration purposes only

The total number of persons of concern is the sum of Asylum-seekers, Internally displaced persons, Persons in IDP-like situation, Others of concern, Returned IDPs, Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations), Returnees, Persons in Refugee-like situation, and Stateless Persons. Excludes countries with relatively low counts. Data from UNHCR Population Statistics.

See also this variant that shows the data grouped by destination.

Draws from Labeled Streamgraph and Syrian Refugees by Settlement Type.

Uses d3-area-label to position labels.

Originally published in bl.ocks.org: Persons of Concern StreamGraph by Origin.

MIT Licensed