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Last edited Apr 14, 2024
Created on Apr 14, 2024
Forked from TAsk8 T2

Movie Genre Distribution Stacked Bar Chart


This project provides a simple HTML code snippet to generate a stacked bar chart depicting the distribution of movie genres based on a provided dataset of movies.


The dataset contains information about several movies, including their titles, release years, genres, ratings, and other details. Each movie entry includes the following fields:

  • movie_id: Unique identifier for the movie.
  • movie_name: Title of the movie.
  • year: Release year of the movie.
  • certificate: Certification rating of the movie.
  • runtime: Duration of the movie.
  • genre: Genre(s) of the movie.
  • rating: IMDb rating of the movie.
  • description: Brief description of the movie plot.
  • director: Director(s) of the movie.
  • director_id: Unique identifier for the director(s).
  • star: Lead actor(s) or actress(es) of the movie.

HTML Code for Stacked Bar Chart

The provided HTML code uses the Chart.js library to generate a stacked bar chart based on the genre distribution of the movies in the dataset. The chart visualizes the number of movies for each genre stacked on top of each other.


To use the HTML code for generating the stacked bar chart:

  1. Ensure you have an internet connection to load the Chart.js library.
  2. Copy the HTML code provided in the stacked_bar_chart.html file.
  3. Paste the code into an HTML file or integrate it into your existing HTML page.
  4. Open the HTML file in a web browser to view the generated stacked bar chart.


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